Artists – Myanmar – Myint Oo

Myint Oo
Myint OoMyanmar
Myint Oo

Born in 1964, Sinbyugyun, Myanmar

His fine Art master is U Aung Win.

Graduated from University of Arts and Science Mandalay with Burmese Literature. Studied art at State School of Fine Arts, Mandalay from 1982 – 1984. He studied under the following art masters at the State School of Fine Arts, U Zaw Win (WSood Cut), U Kyaw Lay and U Tin Aye (Mandalay). And he studied Demonstrations and outside lecturers from U Khin Maung (Bank), U Tun Nyunt, U Aung Khin and U Win Mg (Tampawady).

From 1985 – 1987 he studied Myanmar Traditional Art and made many traditional art works under the teaching of Saya U Win Maung (Tampawady).

He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Painting at The National University of Arts and Culture, Yangon. He teaches the Art of Drawing.

Mynint Oo Fishing boats preparing to set sail 37-x-19

Fishing boats preparing to set sail 37 x 19

Myint Oo 45 x 35 A ray of sunshine on mud at low tide

A ray of sunshine on mud at low tide 45 x 35

Myint-Oo-38-x-27 Harvesting in Myanmar

Harvesting in Myanmar 38 x 27

Myint Oo .3 45 x 35 Woman carrying water melon

Woman carrying water melon 45 x 35

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